Frage Buying direct from Karosser

15 Jahre 1 Monat her #1 von Cati
Buying direct from Karosser wurde erstellt von Cati

I am new to this forum - hello to all. Glad to have found you.

Has anyone got any experience of buying direct from S Karosser in Sweden? We are in the UK, and the agent here seems to be dormant. We have had a couple of phone conversations with Karosser, and they can sell to us if we pick it up.

I'd appreciate general comments on quality of the camper, particularly for cold weather (skiing), and on the efficiency of the company. We are planning to use a Land Rover 130 crew cab.


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15 Jahre 1 Monat her #2 von ...
... antwortete auf Re: Buying direct from Karosser
Hallo Cati,

willkommen hier im Forum.
Welcome here.

Hier ist ein direkter Link zu SKarosser :
Here is the direkt link to Skarosser : ">

Über diese Firma weiß ich leider nichts, denke mal, es ist nur ein Kabinen-Händler.
I don´t know the company but I think it is only a salesman, not a manufacture.

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  • Mickel
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15 Jahre 1 Monat her #3 von Mickel
Mickel antwortete auf Re: Buying direct from Karosser
...sehen die aus wie ne Nordstar oder wie ne Nordstar?? :shock:

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  • the-yellow-shark
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15 Jahre 1 Monat her #4 von the-yellow-shark
the-yellow-shark antwortete auf Re: Buying direct from Karosser
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15 Jahre 1 Monat her #5 von PB Camper
PB Camper antwortete auf Re: Buying direct from Karosser

michaelbaier schrieb: Über diese Firma weiß ich leider nichts, denke mal, es ist nur ein Kabinen-Händler.
I don´t know the company but I think it is only a salesman, not a manufacture.

Das ist der Hersteller der Nordstar-Kabinen. Wie Mickel schon sagte,
aber bei uns hier ist es wohl meines Wissens nicht so einfach möglich direkt bei denen zu kaufen, da "unser" Importeur wohl so ne Art Gebietsschutz geniest...(was man so hört)

Hi Cati,


as you can imagine, there are some different meanings about the quality of these cabins, of course...
But i think the majority of the owners are very satisfied, spezially with the isolation and the heating.
Please try to find some informations in this board with the "Suche"-funktion and don't hesitate to ask us.
There are a lot of members who speak a much better english than me...

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15 Jahre 1 Monat her #6 von bergaufbremser
bergaufbremser antwortete auf Re: Buying direct from Karosser

Das ist der Hersteller der Nordstar-Kabinen. Wie Mickel schon sagte,
aber bei uns hier ist es wohl meines Wissens nicht so einfach möglich direkt bei denen zu kaufen, da "unser" Importeur wohl so ne Art Gebietsschutz geniest...(was man so hört)

Das ist aber nicht die Frage,

We have had a couple of phone conversations with Karosser, and they can sell to us if we pick it up.

wie hier zu lesen ist. :oops:

and sorry, if have no experiance with Nordstar/SKarosser .

Gruss Bernd

...und draussen vor der Stadt, steht sich mein Auto die Reifen platt
frei nach Spider Murphy Gang

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15 Jahre 1 Monat her #7 von PB Camper
PB Camper antwortete auf Re: Buying direct from Karosser

bergaufbremser schrieb: Das ist aber nicht die Frage,

Das hab ich schon bemerkt :roll:
Habs halt nur eingeworfen...

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15 Jahre 1 Monat her #8 von Lance a lot
Lance a lot antwortete auf Re: Buying direct from Karosser
Hi & welcome!

If Karosser has told you they would sell directly, then you already have your answer: get a quote, and if the price is OK, go for it. Beware though, it's a long drive ;-) Well worth the vacation, though.

The Nordstar campers have a good reputation in that they are decent quality and that they are very good in cold weather - especially with the Alde water heater. But they are of conventional construction (wood frame), which means that any leak that goes undetected for some time will cause major damage (for a thread with pictures search this forum with the key word "Hochmoor"). Beyond that, it really depends on what you want the camper for. You will have to find out what you like or dislike...

I have little idea about the setup of the Karosser sales organisation. The Nordstar importer for Germany is about 40km from here and we have been on-site. He seemed to be a cooperative guy. Back then he told us that he frequently drives up to Sweden to pick up a load of campers himself. He then distributes them to southern Europe when needed. It might make sense to contact him ( "> ). I have no idea if he would sell to you, or if there would be any benefit in that. I am also not sure if there are any UK-specific modifications made for campers sold to the UK via your authorized dealer. For example there might be different national regulations for the LPG systems.

You might also watch the german online platforms (e.g. for a used one that suits your needs. But beware, the used prices are rather high and do not really indicate the actual state of the camper. Never buy without thoroughly looking at the camper, and if you don't know what to look for, bring someone who does.

Good luck with your project,

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